Universiteit Antwerpen Vaak gestelde vragen
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1.2 When does the GDPR apply to my research?

  • When you (or your institution) process  personal  data  in the context of scientific research (ie collecting, recording, organizing, structuring, storing, updating or changing, retrieving, consulting, using, etc.) independently of the origin of the personal data
  • When you (or your institution) are  responsible  for the processing, ie. make decisions about the purpose and resources of the processing.
  • When you (or your institution) can be regarded as a  processor  , ie. processing of personal data is done on behalf of a third party.
Was dit artikel bruikbaar? ja / nee
Gerelateerde artikelen 2.4 What are the different roles and responsibilities according to the GDPR?
1.1 What is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?
2.8 What should I think about when I collaborate with others or share my data?
2.2 How do I ensure that the processing of personal data is lawful?
2.3 What should I do in the case of further/secondary processing of personal data?
Artikel details
Artikel ID: 407
Categorie: 1. General Information
Beoordeling (Stemmen): Artikel nog niet beoordeeld (0)

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