Universiteit Antwerpen Vaak gestelde vragen
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1.5 What are the basic principles of the GDPR?


The GDPR is based on six basic principles that must be observed when processing personal data:

  • Lawfulness, fairness and transparency : personal data is processed in a transparent manner with respect for all applicable laws, regulations and rules
  • Purpose limitation  (finality and proportionality): personal data is only processed for the purpose of the investigation and the processing is reasonable and proportional for achieving the purpose of the investigation
  • Minimum data processing : only those personal data are used that are necessary to achieve the objectives of the investigation
  • Accuracy : the personal data being processed must be accurate
  • Storage restriction: personal data may not be kept longer than necessary for the current investigation or for possible further analyzes on the data (see also 5.1)
  • Confidentiality and integrity : researchers must handle personal data confidentially and take appropriate measures to guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of this data


In addition, the  self-responsibility obligation also applies as a general principle For this it is important to ask yourself the following questions: at the start of my research, I thoroughly considered and documented the privacy aspects of my research and am able to demonstrate that I have actively taken responsibility for processing make personal data happen securely.  

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Gerelateerde artikelen 2.3 What should I do in the case of further/secondary processing of personal data?
2.4 What are the different roles and responsibilities according to the GDPR?
5.1 How long can research data with personal data be stored?
1.1 What is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?
Artikel details
Artikel ID: 410
Categorie: 1. General Information
Beoordeling (Stemmen): Artikel nog niet beoordeeld (0)

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