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Surveys & Qualtrics


Normally we do not conduct online surveys or 'surveys' within the content management system of the UAntwerpen website, we use Qualtrics for this.

An important rule is that every survey starts with an informed consent that includes a number of fixed elements.

Qualtrics license

The University of Antwerp has a campus license for staff and students for the online survey instrument Qualtrics. This allows you to create and open surveys in a user-friendly and fast way. In addition to its own report module, there are also export options to SPSS, among others.

To gain access you can register yourself with your UAntwerpen email address (@ uantwerpen.be for staff and @ student.uantwerpen.be for students) at  http://uantwerpen.qualtrics.com . 

You can find more information about Qualtrics at  http://www.qualtrics.com   with an introduction at  http://qualtrics.com/university/researchsuite/misc-pages/misc/learn-qualtrics-in-5-steps/ .

Qualtrics and GDPR

Read more on the Qualtrics website

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Artikel details
Artikel ID: 435
Categorie: Software and Tools
Beoordeling (Stemmen): Artikel beoordeeld 1.0/5.0 (1)

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