Universiteit Antwerpen Vaak gestelde vragen
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2.1 What should I take into account when designing my research?


In addition to the substantive and methodological aspects of your research, it is important to thoroughly consider and describe the collection and processing of personal data in the design phase ( privacy by design ). This also fits within research data management in a broad sense.

  • Do I need personal data? If this is not necessary, then you should use anonymous data.
  • How do I minimize this data? Try to limit the data to those data that contribute to answering the research question.
  • Is it about data that I have collected myself (primary data) or existing data from other scientific research or from existing databases (eg patient data, Crossroads Bank, etc.) (further processing, see 2.3)
  • Do I need raw personal data for processing or can I work with pseudonymised data after collection?
  • Does the way I process personal data entail risks for those involved? Eg do I collect sensitive personal data, do I collect personal data from vulnerable groups, is there systematic monitoring, etc. (see 2.5)?
  • On what legal basis can I rely on to be allowed to process personal data (see 2.2)?
  • How do I inform those involved in a transparent manner (see 4.1)?
  • Is the personal data shared with other people outside my institution? What are the roles of these institutions (see 2.8) and are the necessary contracts in place for this?
  • Do I collaborate with institutions or organizations from outside the EEA (see 2.7)?
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Gerelateerde artikelen 2.3 What should I do in the case of further/secondary processing of personal data?
2.4 What are the different roles and responsibilities according to the GDPR?
2.8 What should I think about when I collaborate with others or share my data?
1.4 Which groups are considered to be vulnerable groups?
Artikel details
Artikel ID: 414
Categorie: 2. Research Design
Beoordeling (Stemmen): Artikel nog niet beoordeeld (0)

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